Stress Free Demos
Presenting demos can be stressful. We are here to help you say goodbye to abrupt transitions or fumbling open the right web link or video during your demo and presentation.

Easily Present Your Pre-recorded Demos
With MeetMoji you can easily integrate pre-recorded demos into scenes. A hassle free way to link to your demos, without worrying about Powerpoint or Google Slides crashing. You’ll also be able to smoothly transition back and forth between your own slides and demo.
Go ahead and nail the demo that could land you: a) the job, b) funding, c) fame and fortune.
Deliver Stress-free Live Demos
When presenting live demos, so many things can go wrong. With MeetMoji you can reduce the risks by adding scenes that link your videos, embeddable web pages, third party applications and more.
Need to transition between demo scenarios and slides? No problem.
Want to deliver consistent, professional, and less stressful presentations to all your prospects? We have you covered.
Ready to get started?
Discover how MeetMoji can help you deliver better presentations, whether they’re in person, online, or both.