Integrate Web sites and Apps Into Your Presentation

MeetMoji’s Web and Embed components make it easy to do what typical presentation platforms don’t. Now you can share online content without the need to switch between screens, applications, and Web sites while you are presenting.

Avoid Confusion and Screen-Share Mayhem

We’ve all seen or experienced it ourselves: Try to share a Web page from PowerPoint while presenting over Zoom or Teams and end up sharing the wrong screen, no screen, or something even more embarrassing happens (or ruins your presentation).

At MeetMoji we decided to end the madness by building features to make sharing web pages and apps easy – without ever leaving the shared screen.

Embed: MeetMoji’s ‘Embed’ component makes adding web apps is a cinch. Just paste a link or embed code, and instantly add interactive web content to your presentation.

Web: MeetMoji’s ‘Web’ component streamlines adding web sites to your presentation. No need to remember URLs or search for bookmarks, just click to deliver a smooth and streamlined experience.

MeetMoji Embed Feature
MeetMoji’s ‘Web’ component streamlines adding web sites to your presentation.
MeetMoji Web Feature

How Does it Work?


Open your MeetMoji MeetUp and add an Embed scene from the list of components.

On the Embed form, paste in the link or embed code of the web site or app you want to share. Then save your options.


Launch your MeetUp, sit back, and witness the magic of presenting without worry or anxiety.

Ready to get started?

Discover how MeetMoji can help you deliver better presentations, whether they’re in person, online, or both.