Category: Comms

  • Infotainment: Mastering the Art and Science of Entertaining Presentations that Stick


    Infotainment: Mastering the Art and Science of Entertaining Presentations that Stick

    Effective communication is more than just relaying information—it’s about engaging your audience and leaving a lasting impression. One powerful technique to achieve this is infotainment: the art and science of delivering information in an entertaining way. By incorporating elements of entertainment into your presentations, you can captivate your audience, increase information retention, and foster an…

  • Enhance Your Meetings: Top 5 Ways to Use Word Clouds, Plus a Bonus Emoji Cloud


    Enhance Your Meetings: Top 5 Ways to Use Word Clouds, Plus a Bonus Emoji Cloud

    Word clouds have emerged as a versatile and impactful tool in various professional settings, revolutionizing how we engage with participants during meetings. These dynamic visual representations of words can capture key insights, facilitate discussions, and add an element of fun to any gathering. Let’s explore the top five ways to leverage word clouds during your…

  • The Introvert’s Guide to Running a Meeting: Enhancing Engagement with MeetMoji


    The Introvert’s Guide to Running a Meeting: Enhancing Engagement with MeetMoji

    Running a meeting can be a daunting task, especially for introverts who may find it challenging to navigate the dynamics of group interactions. However, with the right tools and strategies, introverts can effectively lead meetings, engage participants, and create a positive and inclusive atmosphere.

  • Meeting tools that will make your presentations rule


    Meeting tools that will make your presentations rule

    If we had the opportunity to curate our ideal virtual meeting toolbox, there are several top-notch tools that we would choose. These platforms offer unique features and functionalities that can enhance the overall meeting experience. Let’s take a closer look at each of these tools:

  • Unlocking Seamless Teaching and Engagement with MeetMoji


    Unlocking Seamless Teaching and Engagement with MeetMoji

    In the modern era of education, technology has become an integral part of the learning process. With various platforms available for teaching, it can be challenging to organize your lessons, incorporate your favorite tools, and engage students smoothly. However, MeetMoji provides a solution that enables educators to teach, enable, educate, and engage seamlessly on any…

  • Want People to Remember Your Presentation? Make Your Opening Limbic


    Want People to Remember Your Presentation? Make Your Opening Limbic

    When it comes to delivering a presentation, capturing your audience’s attention from the start is crucial. If you want people to remember your presentation long after it’s over, crafting a compelling opening is key. By tapping into the limbic system of the brain, which is responsible for emotions and memory formation, you can make a…

  • Encouraging Inclusive Dialogue: With anonymous audience engagement


    Encouraging Inclusive Dialogue: With anonymous audience engagement

    In the realm of meetings and discussions, fostering open and inclusive dialogue is a constant challenge. Factors such as rank, personality types, and areas of expertise often hinder individuals from freely expressing their thoughts and ideas.

  • Infotainment: The Powerhouse of Impactful Internal Enablement


    Infotainment: The Powerhouse of Impactful Internal Enablement

    In the world of corporate training and enablement, engagement and information retention are paramount. Traditional training methods often struggle to capture employees’ attention and leave a lasting impact. However, there is a powerful approach that can revolutionize your internal enablement efforts: infotainment.

  • 5 ways to avoid death by PowerPoint


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    5 ways to avoid death by PowerPoint

    Tools and Techniques to keep you audience awake and engaged

  • If you want to be more inclusive in meetings try going anonymous


    If you want to be more inclusive in meetings try going anonymous

    “What if I told you to let anonymous people interact in your next meeting?With hybrid meetings, you can empower people to share better feedback and spark more open discussion.Meetings matter. So, if you want to an Inclusive and engaging meeting – try going anonymous.